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Rhino whine-o
2004-06-30 - 9:24 a.m.

As per request of my sister Tara, I am updating again. Well, I wouldn�t really call it an update since there is nothing new going on but I am writing again.

I have kept up my walking but it gets a little discouraging when I don�t see the results I want. I walk 3 miles a day 5 days a week and have been doing this for about 4 months now. I thought I�d be so toned by now. Nope, not yet. It doesn�t make me want to give up but it is still pretty discouraging. I drink Green tea. That�s really all there is to say about that. How very Forrest Gump of me. Speaking of Forrest, when I was in 9th grade, one of the names on my baby name list was Forrest. I wanted to name one of my sons that. I thought it was cool. The year was � 85 after all. Then the movie came out and just blew that idea all to hell. Too many jokes on the kid would give him such a complex. Run, Forrest, ruuuuuunnnn!

We went to the Tropicana last week. I wore and old bathing suit of mine. I looked like a rhino in tropical printed spandex. My legs have dimples on top of dimples. Don�t get me started on the stretch marks. No big deal here, because you know, it�s Europe. They let it all hang out here so I don�t give a moments thought. But I�m going back to the states in 4 weeks and not just anywhere, but a town in the sticks of Oklahoma. There are people there who haven�t seen me since 10th grade when I was a good 80 pounds lighter. Not that they�ll see me in my suit at the hotel, but you know, I dread them seeing me at all. I guess I don�t give myself much credit in the personality department if I�m worried about my image. I just know how a lot of the people there think. Something along the lines of �Oh hiiii, howdy, Lookit yooouuuuuu� which translates to �Damn girl, one to many doughnuts in the morning or something??�

Of course, there was a story on 60 Minutes about this particular town and how half the town is now nutty on Methanphatamine. Maybe they won�t remember me. That�s a little sad now that I see in print in front of me.

And speaking of this upcoming trip, once again the ex�s nut girlfriend is starting up with her usual crap weeks before we�re set to arrive. Not a peep out of her all year and now she�s all nutty again. Her anxiety is showing. The kids had a request that they spend some one-on-one time with their Dad while they are there for the 2 weeks. She sees a problem with this since they have 2 kids there. She feels they should all do anything and everything together. My kids hardly know her and want to get to know their father better in their own way. Also noted that on last years visit she requested that I stay away from their house and other family members so she wouldn�t have to see me, and said really hateful things about me while my kids were in the same room. Not good ways to win them over if you ask me. This year promises to be more of the same I�m afraid.

Glen and I are going to a party at the Ambassadors Friday night for a kind of 4th of July type thingy and then all of us are going to a picnic/bbq at the marine house on Saturady. It�s going to be a busy weekend.

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