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Happiness is...
2007-03-06 - 11:05 a.m.

So I have had a lot of things I planned on writing about but then I just got lazy and said f**k it. But then today, today my jaw hit the floor. I got an envelope in the mail. As I read the top I saw it was from child support services. I opened it, expecting some sort of form letter and found a check. A spreckly green check that said it was a child support payment. Holy hell people. I was like excuse me while I pick up my jaw and wipe the drool. I haven�t seen a child support check in um� years I think. What sparked this? Part of me �the man� finally caught up to him and just started taking it. Though that�s probably the likely cause but there is a teeny tiny place in my heart that whispers that he wants a shot at redemption. That he realizes he kinda screwed a good relationship and wants to make it right. That�s me the eternal optimist. Last week he received a note I sent with the kid�s school pics and all the ways to reach us should he be so inclined. However my �Spidey senses� are going with no. Of course some wonders never cease. At any rate, a child support check. Dude.

Want to know what happiness is? Happiness is when the mail comes and your eldest drama queen daughter gets the new Fallout Boy CD. The one she said she�s DIE cough gasp wheeze if she didn�t get. Now I�m suddenly the best mom in the world. Yea right, kid.

Happiness is getting froofy spring dresses in the mail for your little froofy 7 year old that loves the dresses.

Happiness is getting a case full of Girl Scout Cookies in the mail. Joy.

Happiness is most seriously getting an unexpected child support check in the mail.

Happiness is your son laughing at you because your lame ass can no longer even manage to get past level 2 at Galaga. Yea I can�t play today�s games at all. Too many buttons. But I bragged about what an expert I was at old school. Level 2 then I copped the �my thumb hurts� excuse. I suck.

The kids are out of school this week for spring break. It sucks for them because there�s nothing to do and nowhere to go. Emily has pink eye and allergies are kicking her little butt. I opted to stay home but next week is my last week of work. Joy again. I�m going back to the gym. My butt (which spread 4inches again) needs it.

Breaking news�Kelly just broke my kitchen cow. I have had my kitchen cow since she was 4. My friend Julie gave it to me as a house warming gift. It�s white with black spots and in a lay down position with a hole on its� back to put sponges in it. She dropped peanut butter on it. The head is broke off. Sniff. I was really fond of that cow��Sigh.

The last thing I want to say is I�m getting kind of perturbed by some people that are coming here. The ones that are googling pics of my ex�s family. I suspect they are some of my ex�s family wanting to come here and point and laugh. Seems paranoid perhaps but some have plenty of time on their hands and just might be the type to use me as an amusing conversation piece.

For the ones who keep looking at the Miss Muffet picture, hey if you enjoy a shot of a slightly rounded 34 year old woman in a goofy (yet oh so sexy..heh) Halloween costume then hey I�m all for it.

Here�s the thing. Take a moment to scroll to the bottom of the page. It�s alright, I�ll wait. Ok did you see that little word at the bottom that said �comments�? You did? Cool. Well it has a purpose. Kind of like the suggestion box at work. You click on it and you leave a comment. Easy as pie. Then I don�t feel like such a tool wondering who comes here and why. You can even remain anonymous. I can even take criticism provided it�s of a constructive and mature nature. Or even a, hey it�s me, I just wanted to see how you were. If you repeatedly come here and never ever leave a comment, then there is a special place in hell for you. I�m kidding. Really.

Note* Miss BettyAlready if you�re still reading I can�t ever leave comments on your site. I get the spammer page. So here�s a shout out to show the love and I�m glad you�re doing well.
That is all. For now.

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